Are you a parent who wants to communicate important life and character lessons to the hearts of your children?
Are you a teacher looking for the secret to getting your teaching from your children’s short-term memory into their long-term memory?
Do you want to reach the hearts of those you are teaching?
I believe stories change hearts.
What if you could send your teaching straight into your child’s long-term memory?
What if you could use the Master Teacher’s method to reach the hearts of those you are teaching?
That is why I wrote The Tales of Larkin and The Flintlock Sagas.
When you read The Tales of Larkin aloud to your family, you are instilling good character and love for God while bonding as a family. You are using thrilling adventure stories as tools for heart change. And you’re using an exciting teaching technique that’s as old as the Bible.
When God’s Son Jesus wanted to reach hearts, He often used stories in the form of parables to do just that.
Learn more about this exciting teaching technique and why it works.
Each new edition will include a discussion guide in the book’s appendix. But when you subscribe to my email list, you will get a free copy of the discussion guide to use along with the audiobooks or older editions of the book.