The Priceless Treasure of Teaching with Stories
The more I think about using stories to teach, the more excited I get about the potential and the blessings that come with doing it! By simply reading exciting stories together and then asking questions to stir discussions about important lessons you want your students/ children to remember, you open up a huge treasure chest of benefits and blessings; such as:
- It’s time spent together as a family.
- It provides an exciting substitute for TV, movies, and digital entertainment.
- It is an exciting and fun shared experience and therefore develops family bonding.
- It promotes group discussion.
- In the discussion time, it gives the students or children the rare opportunity to express themselves.
- It gives the parents or teachers the precious opportunity to listen to those they are teaching.
- Because the limbic system of the brain is engaged by the exciting story, any information that’s discussed during this time is almost guaranteed to be stored in the listener’s long-term memory.
- It’s a low-risk and fun way to introduce important character and spiritual concepts to your children or students.
- The stories and the following discussions offer your listeners insight and understanding of important life experiences.
- The regular discussions increase the children’s willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings.[1]
- It increases verbal proficiency and helps to expand the student’s vocabulary.
- It encourages the use of imagination and creativity.
- It enhances listening skills.
- It’s using Jesus’ favorite teaching technique.
Even though your children are learning, they will love it! Teaching with stories is one of the most fun and rewarding methods you will ever use to instruct others. And not only that, it is also one of the surest ways to get your lessons into the hearts of those you are teaching. To learn more about how it works click here.
In my next post I will list some suggestions for books that you can use to begin this great adventure. Thanks for reading. May God’s richest blessings be yours!
In His Service,
Alan W. Harris
[1] Storytelling Benefits and Tips,
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