Here it is; the first book in my new Flintlock Sagas series, The Young Frontiersman! It is an exciting story during the Revolutionary War that follows young Will Hackett, who with his family and friends are pioneers trying to start a new life in the wilderness of Kentucky. Along with the perils of trying to survive in the wilds, they face the fierce attacks of blood-thirsty savages stirred up by treacherous British agents intent on annihilating the American settlers. This should be enough for anyone to deal with but William carries emotional wounds that threaten to destroy him.
The Young Frontiersman is packed with adventure, thrills, and laugh-out-loud humor you expect from one of my stories. This book will not only entertain you, but because it is written from a Biblical world view and with a strong Christian emphasis, that you will find yourself constantly exposed to lessons on good character as well as life-changing spiritual lessons. To aid parents and teachers there is an appendix in the back of the book with chapter questions for the purpose of stimulating important teaching opportunities for families or classes who read the book together. I hope you enjoy it!
Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Alan W. Harris
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