More exciting news! Tales of Larkin: The Great Gathering, (book three in the series) is now available on the Book Depository. This is especially great news for all of you international fans of the Tales of Larkin, because, no matter where you are in the world, you can purchase the book with FREE SHIPPING! This is the new edition of The Great Gathering which contains the appendix with chapter questions so that you can use the book to teach character and spiritual lessons to your children or students.
Any of you getting this news post who know of friends or families overseas who would benefit from these God honoring, exciting adventure stories please let them know that they can get books one, two or three from the Book Depository without having to pay for shipping!
Thanks to all of you in advance for helping to get the word out about these fun books! May God pour His blessings on each of you and your families.
In His Service,
Alan W. Harris
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