The ability to tell stories is a gift that God gave all of us. When He made us, He included in our unique wiring imagination, creativity, love of adventure, and a sense of humor–all of those things needed to both tell and enjoy a good story. It’s clear that I’m not just making this stuff up, because the Bible is literally full of stories. Jesus constantly used parables, i.e., stories, to teach. In fact, in Mark 4: 34 it says that Jesus did not speak to the people without a parable (story).
Since God gave us our ability to tell stories, then I believe that we as story-tellers need to use our stories to glorify and honor the Maker and His Son Jesus, as well as God’s words. To point people anywhere else with my stories is, in my opinion, to use my gift in vain.
So how do we do that?
- I think it’s always best to ask God what He wants to say. Spend time praying about what He wants you to write.
- God may give you a thought during your prayer or in a meditative time on a walk, but I believe that if it’s from Him, He will confirm His message to you in His Word. That means that you should also spend time reading the Bible, trying to connect with God’s heart.
- Once you have the idea God wants you to convey, start using that creativity and imagination He has given you to craft a story that conveys the idea.
- When you’re done, don’t forget to ask God if your story was the one He intended. Sometimes we let our desires get in the way and settle for an okay story when God planned for a knock-your-socks-off life-changer.
It’s pretty exciting to think that some insignificant little story that I might write, when given to God, has the potential of becoming something that can be eternally significant in a reader’s life. Remember, the people who tell the best stories shape the culture. Our stories have the potential to do that when we ask God to help us write them.
Blessings to all,
Alan Harris
Alan W. Harris says
That’s also an idea that you have been following in your own writing for some time. Thanks for your encouragement Ivan and keep up the good writing. You are a blessing to a lot of folks.
Ivan Benson says
That is truly an astounding thought, Alan. I agree.