Let me tell you a secret. It’s not supposed to be a secret, but there are lots of people who don’t know it. So here it is. Before there were birds, or trees, or flowering plants, or even skies and seas, there was One who is the very expression of God. He so clearly and perfectly reveals the divine nature that God Himself refers to this person as the Word.
Obviously God and the Word like each other a lot. Why would they not? They both possess limitless quantities of love, and both are the source of all the joy and beauty we experience in this world. It makes sense that they would absolutely love the intimate fellowship they have with each other.
They share everything. When God decided to create the world, He revealed His desires to the Word, who spoke it all into being…all of it! And because He loved God so much, the Word made it exactly the way God wanted it. We know this because when the Word was finished, God looked at the sun, moon, and stars, the sky with its clouds and birds, the seas teaming with amazing shapes, sizes, and colors of fish and sea creatures, the plants and trees with their glorious flowers and fruit, the stunning array of insects and animals, and the man He had created, and God, Who cannot lie, said, “This is very good!”
God was well pleased with the Word, and the Word felt the same toward God. There was nothing to interfere with this amazing relationship they share. In fact, it turns out that the sweet bond of intimate fellowship that the Word has with God is the very definition of what the best, highest, and greatest life is. Life doesn’t get any more wonderful and beautiful and fulfilling than this! And what is even more amazing is that God sent the Word into the world he created to reveal to the people what this wonderful, best-of-all-lives was like. The Word manifested that highest, most perfect life to the people of the Earth, but it was so stunning and so unexpected that it was like light to people in darkness.
But that wonderful life was so far beyond the people’s comprehension it was like they were blind to the light God wanted to reveal to them. To help the people, God sent a man named John the baptizer to be a witness to the light. He pointed to the Word and said, “Hey, everybody, look! Do you see that person right there? That is the true light that’s come from God!”
Sadly, most people wouldn’t believe John. They looked at the Word and said, “You’re crazy! That ain’t no light. That’s just a guy.” But a few did believe John and received the Word as the true light of God.
The Word was so pleased with those who believed and received Him that, as a gift, He gave them the right to become children of God and to experience this best-of-all-lives of intimate closeness with God. And because of their faith in the Word, pockets of radiant light began to shine in the midst of all the darkness and blindness…and still do.
by Alan W. Harris
(From John 1:1-14)
I like short stories and I loved this one!!!