What Is The Kingdom of Heaven And How Do I Know If I’m In It
“…Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” – Matthew 6:10
Jesus instructs his disciples to pray for God’s Kingdom to come. The word “kingdom” here is the Greek word “baselleia,” and it means royal dominion, i.e. God’s rule or reign within us. When that happens (when God reigns within us), then God’s will is done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Jesus instructs me to pray for God’s reign to come in my life. That’s why in Luke 17:21, Jesus said, “The Kingdom is within you.” It took my slow brain awhile to figure this out, but understanding what the Kingdom is turns out to be really simple. The Kingdom is simply the place where the King reigns. -
If you think you’re in the Kingdom, but you don’t do what the King says, then you aren’t really in the Kingdom. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” If Jesus is truly your King, then you will do what He says.
There are a lot of people who want Jesus to do things for them, but they don’t want Him to interfere with their lives. They want Him as Savior but not as Lord. There were a lot of people in the Bible like that as well. (Matthew 9:27-31, Mark 1:40-45, Matthew 7:21-23, John 6). Jesus will not share His throne with us. Either He reigns over us and we get eternal life, or we reign in this life and end up getting eternal punishment.
For those of you who are trying to be king or queen of your own life, how’s that going for you? The point in your life when you decide that you want King Jesus to reign over you and direct all of your life is the point where you become an expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. When I decide that I’m going to say “yes” to the will of the Lord Jesus for my life, then the territory over which the King reigns is enlarged by my life.
So my question for each of us is, “Does the King reign over you? If the King tells you to do something, will you do it? If you will, then you’re in the Kingdom.
Blessings in Christ,
Alan Harris
Image courtesy of ImageAlart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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